VIDEO interviews

Establishing healthy boundaries as leaders, applying the 90% rule, and how to build sustainable prayer cultures in local churches (2024)

Conversation with Mark Sayers and Brian Heasley in Melbourne from the Asbury Outpouring of 2022.

Interview with Archbishop Justin Welby at Lambeth Palace for Thy Kingdom Come (2018)

A Conversation with Tim Mackie, John Mark Comer, Christine Caine and Tyler Staton.

Interview with Nicky Gumbel, Pete Greig Tim Hughes:

Interview about How to Pray for Premier (2019)

Cardinal Schönborn makes a Skype appearance from St Peter's Square in Rome to convey personal greetings from Pope Francis to the "24-7 Prayer" congress.

Talk mit Pete Greig (24-7 Prayer) & Kardinal Christoph Schönborn (Erzdiözese Wien) geleitet von Maximilian Öttingen (Loretto) bei den Loretto - Herbsttagen 2014 in Wien.