"If you are hurting and secretly wondering -
'Where is God?' and
'Why's this happened to me?' and
‘How come my prayers aren't working?'
then I dedicate this book to you."
Writing out of the pain of his wife's fight for her life but also the wonder of watching the prayer movement they founded touch many lives, Pete Greig wrestles with the dark side of prayer and emerges with a hard-won message of hope, comfort and profound biblical insight for all who suffer in silence.
This new (2020) edition is fully revised with an added 40-day Lent study guide, a new introduction and audio book narrated by the author, a foreword by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and a free, accompanying video series, The Unanswered Prayer Course, designed to help individuals and small groups explore this vital theme.
“A Christian classic.”
Leading the reader carefully through the four days of Christ's passion, Pete Greig pauses at each stage to explore one of the great questions with which we all struggle when we suffer:
+ Maundy Thursday ~ 'How am I going to get through this?'
+ Good Friday ~ 'Why aren't my prayers being answered?'
+ Holy Saturday ~ 'Where is God when heaven is silent?'
+ Easter Sunday ~ 'When will my prayers be answered?
“The best resource on unanswered prayer, bar none.”
“A masterpiece. I cannot recommend it highly enough.”
“I was bombarded with relief reading this book.”
Each section of the book is illuminated with original drawings by the award-winning Californian artist Linnea Gabriella Spransy.
God on Mute - Buying Options
God on Mute is available in many languages and formats some of which are listed below. Click on your preferred outlet below (or, better still, support your local bookstore!)
German-language 'Offline - Warum antwortest dunicht, Gott?'
Czech 'Když Bůh mlčí - Vstoupit do ticha nevyslyšených modliteb'