Introducing the Aidan's Way Pilgrimage

In October 2021 I walked 300 miles on my own from the Scottish island of Iona to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne in the footsteps of the 7th century Celtic saint Aidan. Honestly? It was… life changing.

My publisher asked me to do it again, but this time to let others share in the journey.

And so right now here I am back in the Highlands of Scotland on Aidan’s Way, but this time with two friends: Charlie Kang - a photographer for the book which will come out next year, and Rich Dawson - a sound engineer who’s putting out #Lectio365 devotionals and #ThePilgrimPodcast daily
from the road (I’ll be posting the podcast here).

We’re having a lot of fun!

Today I began writing....

Today I started writing my ninth book exploring the theme of pilgrimage. I feel inadequate, riddled with self-doubt, exhausted and excited in equal measure.

Writing a book is an adventure,” said Churchill. “To begin with it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.”


Veni Creator Spiritus.


This is just so encouraging. Writing a book is a lonely business. You tap away at the keyboard for weeks on end, never really knowing whether ithe things you’re saying make sense. So it’s just lovely to get moments like these when you dare to believe that the things in your heart and your head have somehow connected with the hearts and heads of others through the mystery of of writing. Grateful.

This is just so encouraging…