Pete and his wife Sammy are founding elders of Emmaus Rd church in the south of England, members of The Order of the Mustard Seed and proud parents of two adult sons. Sammy works as a professional counsellor.
Pete is also a director of Waverley Abbey - one of the oldest places of Christian prayer in the British Isles, an Ambassador for the NGO Tearfund, and a convenor for the annual Wildfires Festival.
Alongside his books, Pete’s resources include The Prayer Course (downloaded more than 3 million times), and the Aidan’s Way pilgrimage series for which he hiked 300 miles from the Scottish island of Iona to the Holy Isle of Lindisfarne.
In his spare time, Pete loves nothing more than mooching around art galleries and junk shops, building things in his workshop, laughing with friends, and following the vagaries of Portsmouth FC.
Speaking Engagements
Pete works closely with an international team of brilliant communicators from across the 24-7 movement, such as Tyler Staton, Jill Weber, Brian Heasley, Sarah Yardley and Alain Emerson. Regrettably he can’t currently accept the majority of personal speaking invitations he receives, but is always happy to recommend a speaker for your event, and of course his teaching is widely available in print and online, particularly from Emmaus Rd.
Pete and Sammy Greig meet monthly with a personal Oversight Group which advises and holds them to account. This Group represents the boards of 24-7 Prayer International and Emmaus Rd Church.
Mervyn Thomas, CMG (chair), founded the human rights advocacy Group CSW more than 40 years ago, working with governments to fight religious persecution. Today he serves as its President. In 2018 Queen Elizabeth II made him a Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George (CMG): one of the highest honours in the British system.
Audrey Wiggins is a Master Coach for some of the most senior leaders in the world, having worked with executives from organisations such as Deutsche Bank, 10 Downing Street, and the United Nations World Food Programme. She serves on the Board of Emmaus Rd church, and is a non-executive director of Bold Voices, which fights gender inequality and gender-based violence amongst young people.
Adrian Eagleson is a former school teacher with a passion for Irish Rugby and a commercial background in organisational psychology and change management. Having garnered extensive experience as a C-Suite leader in various international business roles, Adrian was chosen as the CEO of 24-7 International (2022-24) having previously served as the Chair of its Board.